Saturday, February 6, 2010


Nick was eating shredded squid that he brought back from China today. He offered me some an I politely declined...

We also moved his desk today. He decided to bunk his bed earlier this week, but his desk covered up the ladder, so he was climbing on furniture to get into bed, almost always kicking something off as he did. I asked him why he didn't move his desk several times, and eventually (he's far too nice) he said that he didn't want to move it because then his light would be right next to me and he'd keep me up. I assured him that I don't think it will be a problem, and that if it is I will simply turn the other direction.

The other night I came back from a friends room and he asked if I was talking about God (he's noticed that I really like to do that), and I said I did. And he said "why don't you talk about girls sometime", and I said that we did, on account of it being the feast day of St. Agatha. Today I was singing a hymn because I was in one of those moods where you have absolutely no reason to be frustrated but you are, and acting on your foolish feelings only leads you into them being actualized. And Nick asked me if I was happy about a girl. I told him I didn't care about girls and he repeated my styalized "girls" at least 5 times.

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