Monday, February 2, 2009


I was accepted to all three schools I applied to (Indiana University, U of W Eau Claire and Thomas Aquinas College). I didn't bother pursing my Berklee Application because I realized that I would die if I didn't have all of the excellent ways to pursue God that I've had in highschool. Yes, I need philosophy, theology, literature, a good Church and Eucharistic adoration to survive. The soul dies quickly when it is starved!

Thomas Aquinas is obviously the coolest, best, most YES (ala Cummings "everything which is natural, which is infinante, which is yes", in reference to God's goodness) institution of higher learning ever. Ever. Yet it is also expensive, as most awsome private colleges are... if God wants me to go there I will get a very large scholarship. Same thing with Indiana, except the only reason I'd go there is for music, with the horrible fear that my soul might catch nemonioa in my first two weeks there, and there won't be any doctors or medication around to cure me. I have the same problems with Eau Claire, but it's cheap.

College, at it's minimum (which isn't an unrealistic possibility) is going to be a trade off: I get a bachelors degree, they get my time and money. Any spiritual progress I make or (of infinantly less importance, especially in the context of The Imitation of Christ, my current read) any academic learning will be added bonuses. I have yet to buy into the idea that I need to recreate myself at college, or that it will change my life. God recreates me and changes my life, but I guess college could be God's way of speaking to me. He has chosen weirder areas to work.

Pray for me!