Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Early Bird Yet Again Gets The Worm!

This weekend is homecoming weekend. I first realized this was the case because the Most Honorable Emmet Horan All-Male Sanctuary is on ultra-super-secret lock down. Residences of this Most Honorable Hall must enter through the front door only, and show their school I.D. to go to their rooms. I'm quite amazed that I wasn't woken up by drunkards last night, as usually happens on Friday nights, and would especially happen on such a riotous Friday night. No, I slept like a baby and arose at 5:35 this morning, just in time to pray Lauds, take a shower, throw on some clothes, and arrive at mass with enough time to collect my mind. Though collecting my mind was quite difficult this morning; as I was putting on my last articles of clothing (red socks for St. Ignatius!) I heard the unmistakable sound of several sousaphones (the tubas you see in marching bands the wraps around the player). As I exited the building I saw no less than 15 sousaphones in the middle of the basketball courts which are in the middle of the residence halls, playing the UW Platteville fight song (our opponents in the football game later today), and after than simply making a ton of noise. It was a glorious sight. As they continued playing shouts rang from all around them: "no wonder nobody likes band geeks"... "you suck!". To fully appreciate the situation you must understand that the dorms make a square, so everything echos quite well. An exuberant conversation 100 yards away is easily picked up. The flatulant sounds these guys were making echoed quite well. I could still hear them when I was 400 yards away.

The joys of getting up early...

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